Boys and Girls Club, Wellington Unit
Volunteers provide caring relationships, model positive behaviors and expose members to diverse cultures and experiences.
Located at 8445 3rd Street, Wellington.
School Year Hours: 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm Monday-Friday
School Out Hours: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Summer Hours: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm Monday-Friday
For additional information call (970) 568-7338
Website: www.begreatlarimer.org/wellington-club
Eyestone Elementary, Rice Elementary & Wellington Middle School
Wellington area schools can always use volunteers. Go to the Poudre School District website and sign up to become a volunteer.
Realities For Children
Realities For Children provides for the unmet and ongoing support needs of children in Northern Colorado who have been abused, neglected or are at-risk.
308 East County Road 30 | Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 484-9090
Rotary Club
A dynamic group of Wellington Community Members striving to make a difference in their local and global communities.
We meet each Monday morning from 7:00 am to 7:45 am at the T Bar Inn. EXCEPT for the 4th Monday of each Monday – we meet at 5:30 pm for a social connection at the Soul Squared Brewery at 3740 W. Cleveland Ave. in Wellington. Come join us!! We welcome guests and Rotarians from other Chapters.
Larimer County Food Bank
Looking to help make a difference in the lives of your friends, families, and neighbors? Food Bank for Larimer County is responding to the increased hunger needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and is in need of volunteers to help them do so. Please visit their Volunteer page at www.foodbanklarimer.org/volunteer/ to learn more and sign up to be a part of this organization’s efforts. They’ll even throw in free hairnets!
Feel free to contact Kimberly, Matt, or Tasha at (970) 530-3113 or volunteerinfo@foodbanklarimer.org with any questions.
(970) 699-8544
Santa Cops of Larimer County
Santa Cops of Larimer County works to provide toys for children in need within Larimer County to enhance the relationship between children and law enforcement within our communities for Christmas and throughout the year.
1000, 2850 McClelland Drive | Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 632-1444
United Way of Larimer County
The United Way will find volunteers for projects or will find places for people to volunteer.
424 Pine Street | Suite 102 | Fort Collins, CO 80524
Telephone: (970) 407-7000
Website: www.uwaylc.org
Wellington Area Chamber Of Commerce
Support the business community and get involved with community events and projects! Planning of 4th of ‘Chamber 2 Rounds’ Disc Golf Tournament, ‘Denim & Diamonds Annual Dinner & Meeting, Culpepper & Merriweather Circus, Wellington Welcome Packets and Trick-or-Treat Down Main Street & Beyond.
Located at 4006 Cleveland Avenue, Wellington.
For additional information call the Wellington Area Chamber Of Commerce at (970) 568-4133
Website: www.wellingtoncoloradochamber.net
Wellington Colorado Main Streets Program
Support your community and get involved with local events! Planning of Summer Concert Series and the Design Board for Downtown.
Located at 4006 Cleveland Avenue, Wellington.
For additional information call the Wellington Colorado Main Streets Program at (970) 568-4985
Website: www.wellingtonmainstreet.org
Wellington Food Bank
This is a great way to serve your community! Located at Wellington Community Church, 8445 Third Street, Wellington. Reaching out to the needs of Wellington.
Wellington Food Bank is open the 1st, 3rd Thursday, 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm; Pre-Packed Boxes 7 pm – 8 pm.
Volunteers are encouraged to show up at 12:30 pm to begin set-up and go until 3:30 pm clean-up.
For additional information, call Mark Gabbert at (970) 776-6763
Wellington Public Library
The Wellington Public Library has a collection of materials of interest to children and adults.
Located at 3800 Wilson Avenue, Wellington. The library can always use volunteers.
For additional information call (970) 568-3040
Website: www.wellington.colibraries.org
Wellington Recreation
Located at 8700 Third Street, Wellington. They provide year-round activities for children and adults.
For additional information call (970) 568-7410
Website: www.townofwellington.com/178/Recreation-Department
Wellington Senior Resource Center
The Center serves Wellington area seniors and adults of all ages. They sponsor seminars, programs, and clinics.
Located at 3800 Wilson Avenue, Wellington.
For additional information call (970) 817-2293
Website: www.townofwellington.com/171/Wellington-Senior-Resource-Center
Wellington-Waverly Kiwanis Club
Get involved with service projects in your community! The Wellington-Waverly Kiwanis Club meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm at the Days Inn, 7860 Sixth Street, Wellington.
You are welcome to attend the meetings and contact the following people:
Jack Gianola at 970-223-4500or gianola1@comcast.net
Ray Kepler at 970-493-8855 or raytheplantman@gmail.com
Steve Sarno at 970-568-7801 or slsarno@aol.com
Ed Brown at 970-897-2204 or cwaedwardbrown@gmail.com
More information is also available at the Kiwanis web pages at www.kiwanis.org or www.rmdkiwanis.com
Food Bank-Larimer County
Looking to help make a difference in the lives of your friends, families, and neighbors? Food Bank for Larimer County is responding to the increased hunger needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and are in need of Volunteers to help them do so. Please visit their Volunteer page at https://foodbanklarimer.org/volunteer/ to learn more and sign up to be a part of this organization’s efforts. They’ll even throw in free hairnets!
Feel free to contact Kimberly, Matt, or Tasha at 970-530-3113 or volunteerinfo@foodbanklarimer.org with any questions.