Networking & Educational Breakfast meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the Month

Guest speakers are invited to present a topic and at least 45 minutes is reserved for networking your business after the speaker’s presentation.
Contact Ben Parsons (970) 484-3600 if you are interested in presenting an educational topic. All meetings are FREE and open to the public.

Bring extra business cards, as there is plenty of time for networking! Meetings are free to all Chamber members and non-members.


Chamber members receive a 20% discount to any Larimer Small Business Development Center class. Attendees must identify as a Wellington Area Chamber Of Commerce member at the time of registration to receive the discount. Visit

The SBDC combines information and resources from federal, state and local governments with those of the education system and private sector to meet the specialized and complex needs of the small business community.  Consulting experts work in partnership to provide entrepreneurs with crucial information that can mean the difference between success and failure.  Their vision is to be the premier, trusted choice of Colorado businesses for consulting, training and resources.

Over the last ten years, the Larimer SBDC has helped its clients start 226 businesses, create and retain over 1,600 jobs and increase sales by $14.6 million. They will help you be a part of that economic impact and encourage you to take advantage of their services.  Schedule an appointment with one of their certified business consultants, or sign up for a training class.

Larimer Small Business Development Center