Winner Receives $100 in Chamber Bucks from the Wellington Area Chamber Of Commerce and the Wellington Colorado Main Streets Program!
The ‘Shop Local’ Summer Challenge runs through JUNE 1st to AUGUST 31st, BUT it may not take you this long to fill out your card, so return it back to us as soon as the card is completed!!
How does the Challenge work?
- Keep the challenge card with you over the summer and every time you ‘Shop Local’ at a Wellington business. Present the challenge card with your purchased item(s) and have the business sign or stamp it for you.
- Challenge cards must have 4 IN-A-ROW SQUARES COMPLETE to be eligible to enter the drawing for $100 in Chamber Bucks.
- Fill out the contact section below, and return it back to the Wellington Chamber or Wellington Colorado Main Streets Program, both located on 4006 Cleveland Avenue or mail to the Wellington Area Chamber Of Commerce, PO Box 1500
- ONLY COMPLETED ENTRIES are eligible for the drawing at the end of the summer for a chance to win $100 in Chamber Bucks!!
- Winner will be contacted and announced by SEPTEMBER 3rd.
- Lost your challenge card? No worries, download another card by clicking on the link at the top of this page.
- The ‘Shop Local’ Summer Challenge runs through June 1st to August 31st.
Winner will be contacted and announced by September 3rd on promoted on social media and the Chamber’s bi-monthly newsletter.
To download another card click on the link below.
Complete 4-In-A-Row Squares.
Winner Receives $100 in Chamber Bucks!
The ‘Shop Local’ Summer Challenge runs through June 1st to August 31st, BUT it may not take you this long to fill out your card, so return it back to us as soon as the card is completed!
The Wellington Chamber & Main Streets Program are both located at 4006 Cleveland Avenue in Wellington, CO 80549 (Behind the Re/Max building) (970) 568-4133 | wellingtonareachamber@gmail.com